Inspiring leadership
Leadership determines organizational transformation and change. How do you deal with the changing world around you and how do you inspire a volatile whole? We help leaders to unlock new areas in their thinking and develop their awareness and vision. We promise and deliver transformation. You can only guide and lead this exciting process of change if you believe in transformation. As a self-aware leader you are an inspirator and motivator for your own people. To equip you for these roles we offer coaching and leadership development programs.
Vision and self-consciousness
Showing leadership in a change process requires consciousness and courage. The courage to take a leap of faith and prepare your company for the future. To replace the well known structures with a sharp vision and give space to a wave of individual qualities and talents.
Anyone can be a leader, coach or inspirer, but not everyone is. What about you? What does your vision look like? Where is your talent as an inspirer? Do you still have contact with the colleagues on the shop floor? Do they run off or do they hang on your lips? If you don’t recognise your own part in a problem, you can’t be part of the solution.
Leadership development
To communicate your vision, to become a coach, to be an inspiror – for many leaders this is quite a step and this starts with becoming conscious, unlocking new areas in your mind, and developing new leadership skills. Great leaders know themselves through and through and are receptive to new ideas. We offer leadership development and coaching programs supporting this process of consciousness and development in practice.
Inspirational Leadership
People Change Leadership coaching is meant for people who have made the People Change Scan and who want to use it for their leadership development to become a successful leader.
High Performance and Team Leadership
People Change guides and advises team leaders and project leaders to realise measurable, profitable changes for themselves and their team based on the People Change Team scan and approach.
Transforming and Strategic Leadership
We guide and advise leaders, directors, managers of organisations to further develop themselves, based on the People Change Team scan and strategic approach, so that they can continuously put their organisations in the right strategic direction.
Our customized Leadership programs
Trainers have a hard time getting eleven football players to play as a harmonious team, but maybe you have hundreds of talented ‘ball-artists’ in your organization. How do you get them to firmly stand behind your vision? How do you enable them to play at the peak of their abilities and how do you ensure they keeping playing at that level? These questions coming directly from the daily practice of boards of directors, executives and managers are the focus of our programs that we develop together with you to sustainably increase your personal impact as leader of an organizational transformation. The sessions are very practical so you can directly use the know-how and insights in your daily work situation. They are short, powerful, intensive, personal, emotional, and inspiring.
Are you ready for the confrontation?
During these development sessions we debrief your People Change scan profile together with you, working on your awareness and vision, on your plans for the organization, your own place in those plans, the effectiveness of your leadership. We will tell you how you can engage people for you and your ideas, winning hearts and minds in the process. We will guide you implementing your ideas in practice. As a coach and as a sounding board.
How far are you in your process of awareness?
Which mindsets and skillsets need development? Which change capabilities need upgrading? And how do you improve the ‘fit’ with your organization? Of course you would like to assess yourself in practical situations on the level that is expected from you.
In our customized leadership development programs that we co-create together with you and a selected group of participants, we explain theoretical models about self-aware and inspiring leadership in transformations and we find solutions for GROW cases based on the participants’ own real life situations and challenges. Participants will coach each other and give each other feedback. This is how everyone develops himself in effectively dealing with practical situations and integrates new knowledge and skills. Experienced senior practitioners of People Change are present as leadership content experts during these sessions.
Start with the People Change Scan, book an intake session
The People Change Leadership scan indicates exactly where you stand as a leader, how you can best work together with others and what a good next development step is for you. More about the People Change Scan can be found here. Get started with the scan today!