Organisation transformation
Leadership is essential for organisational transformation and change. But how do you as a leader deal with a changing world and how do you inspire an agile whole? We help leaders unlock new areas in their thinking and develop awareness and vision. We promise you transformation. You can only lead this exciting process of change if you believe in it yourself. As a self-aware leader, you are the inspirer and motivator of your own people. To help you do that, we offer coaching and leadership programs.
Together, we create interventions to apply the Leadership & Team People Change Scan and People Change methodology and Academy in such a way that there is optimal support among all participants involved and maximum impact on individuals, teams and the organisation.
Successful organisation transformation
The success of a transformation depends on the way in which it is implemented. The human approach is crucial here. In order to be able to change, the organisation needs the full involvement, acceptance and commitment of the employees. Every mindset reacts differently to change. The trick is to facilitate change in such a way that the people and teams in that organisation feel invited to change and can make a positive contribution from his or her uniqueness. Personal development and organisational development therefore go hand in hand.
How to change organisations effectively and sustainably?
Change or transformation is not something you do on the side. It is a process that involves awareness, developing insights, inspiration and setting crucial steps in implementation. Intrinsic motivation is essential. Leaders should offer space, inspire development and coach people.. Teams will have to be decomposed and recomposed. Everything revolves around coherence and collaboration. Relationships shift. The culture of the organization changes. Communication and social skills of all stakeholders involved are very important, so we will dedicate a lot of attention to those.
Change demands a lot from people. Change processes deeply impact people’s intellectual and emotional states. Values that were once taken for granted dissolve. New values do not offer the same grip right away.
Results of a transformation
Changing organizations (re-)discover themselves. The are the organic form of changing teams. The glue holding them together is the company culture. The power of flexible organizations is their agility in dealing with the volatility of business cycles and markets. To shape an organization in such a way that people can excel, teams can deliver top performance, and talents have the space to grow and thrive, is an art.
The result: a dynamic and profitable whole of individual and collective capabilities. Read all about it in our book ‘Strategic Transformation’.
The People Change method

Our proven method for organisation transformation
Changing an organization is changing behaviour of all employees: leaders and professionals. When you look at the difficulty people have to stop smoking, you can see how difficult changing behaviour actually is. People are conservative, stick to routines. Nevertheless, people do a lot of trouble to get a new pair of jeans. People love a good story, are sensitive for messages they get. These jeans show that when someone is convinced he will profit from something, he will go for it. More continuity and more fulfilment is a story people buy in to. An attractive goal. Conservatism gives way to perspective and conviction.
To change behaviour, we need to change mind-sets. We do this in four steps.
Get insights
Where are we and where do we want to go? The baseline measurement with the People Change scan serves as a compass for the change process. All those involved from the top to the work floor fill in the People Change questionnaire. The results are debriefed both personally and in groups. The People Change scan offers a razor sharp analysis of people and the organization. Insights are derived in the areas of Leadership and values, organizational structure and culture and change capabilities.
Inspire for the right direction
Together we create a vision for the new organization, set goals and targets, and formulate a roadmap for change. Including client- and business analysis, core values, behavioural components, key success factors, change readiness, the business case for change, etc. We develop the right approach to implement this roadmap for change, connecting to what people want and are capable of.
Implementation and results
We are stimulating new leadership, collaboration, cultural values and behaviour in the organization. For this we use a couple of interventions:
- Leadership development programs
- Group sessions and workshops
- Coaching the management team
- Individual coaching and training
- Supporting and coaching people in projects
Next to this, we regularly do GROW-case discussions, individual coaching sessions on demand and short intensive group training sessions
Make sure the change works and keeps working. When the new organization and the new culture of collaboration is implemented, and when our work is done, we can:
- Be a sparring partner in the areas of collaboration, communication and behaviour
- Continue to support and coach the Management Team, culture- and project teams
- Support the on-boarding of new employees and do individual analyses with the help of the People Change scan
- Continue to support the development of organisation, culture and leadership
- Coach people on collaboration in specific projects; people experience this as a very impactful to keep on doing that
- Develop “Train the trainer”-programmes in which people are trained to be a successful GROW case-coach.
Start with the People Change organisation scan
The People Change organisation scan precisely indicates where the organisation is now, how the employees can collaborate best, what their change capabilities are and where people want to go to in terms of structure and culture. Employees fill in the online questionnaire and this provides a wealth of information, Next to this, we interview participants on request to go more in depth.
Employees in the organization can be trained in using the scan, interpreting the results and in coaching their colleagues based on scan outcomes. After such a training they will get a license as People Change Practitioner.